Feature Flags

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The demo provides several feature flags that you can use to simulate different scenarios. These flags are managed by flagd, a simple feature flag service that supports OpenFeature.

Flag values can be changed through the user interface provided at http://localhost:8080/feature when running the demo. Changing the values through this user interface will be reflected in the flagd service.

There are two options when it comes to changing the feature flags through the user interface:

  • Basic View: A user friendly view in which default variants (the same options that need to be changed when configuring through the raw file) can be selected and saved for each feature flag. Currently, the basic view does not support fractional targeting.

  • Advanced View: A view in which the raw configuration JSON file is loaded and can be edited within the browser. The view provides the flexibility that comes with editing a raw JSON file, however it also provides schema checking to ensure that the JSON is valid and that the provided configuration values are correct.

Implemented feature flags

Feature FlagService(s)Description
adServiceFailureAdGenerate an error for GetAds 1/10th of the time
adServiceManualGcAdTrigger full manual garbage collections in the ad service
adServiceHighCpuAdTrigger high cpu load in the ad service. If you want to demo cpu throttling, set cpu resource limits
cartServiceFailureCartGenerate an error whenever EmptyCart is called
productCatalogFailureProduct CatalogGenerate an error for GetProduct requests with product ID: OLJCESPC7Z
recommendationServiceCacheFailureRecommendationCreate a memory leak due to an exponentially growing cache. 1.4x growth, 50% of requests trigger growth.
paymentServiceFailurePaymentGenerate an error when calling the charge method.
paymentServiceUnreachableCheckoutUse a bad address when calling the PaymentService to make it seem like the PaymentService is unavailable.
loadgeneratorFloodHomepageLoad GeneratorStart flooding the homepage with a huge amount of requests, configurable by changing flagd JSON on state.
kafkaQueueProblemsKafkaOverloads Kafka queue while simultaneously introducing a consumer side delay leading to a lag spike.
imageSlowLoadFrontendUtilizes envoy fault injection, produces a delay in loading of product images in the frontend.

Feature Flag Architecture

Please see the flagd documentation for more information on how flagd works, and the OpenFeature website for more information on how OpenFeature works, along with documentation for the OpenFeature API.

Última modificación March 4, 2025: [demo] rename demo services (#6438) (ae417344)