Pull request checks

Learn how to make your pull request successfully pass all checks

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When you raise a pull request (PR) with the opentelemetry.io repository a set of checks are executed. The PR checks verify that…

  • … you have signed the CLA.
  • …your commit can be deployed through Netlify successfully.
  • … your changes are compliant with our style guide.

Easy CLA

This check fails if you haven’t signed the CLA.

Netlify deployment

If the Netlify build fails, select Details for more information.

Style checks

To make sure that contributions follow our style guide we have implemented a set of checks that verify style guide rules and fail if they find any issues.

The following list describes current checks and what you can do to fix related errors:

TEXT linter

This check verifies that OpenTelemetry-specific terms and words are used consistently across the site.

If any issues are found, annotations are added to your files in the files changed view of your PR. Fix those to turn the check green. As an alternative, you can run npm run check:text -- --fix locally to fix most issues. Run npm run check:text again and manually fix the remaining issues.


This check verifies that standards and consistency for Markdown files are enforced.

If any issues are found, run npm run:format to fix most issues. For more complex issues, run npm run check:markdown and apply the suggested changes.


This check verifies that all words are spelled correctly.


This check will verify that all words in your cSpell ignore list are normalized.

If this check fails, run npm run fix:dict locally and push the changes in a new commit.


This check verifies that all files are formatted by prettier.

If this check fails, run npm fix:format locally and push the changes in a new commit.


This check verifies that all file names are in kebab-case.

If this check fails, run npm fix:filenames locally and push the changes in a new commit.

This check verifies that all links that your commits are introducing are functional.

Run npm run check:links to check them locally. This also updates the reference cache, or REFCACHE. Push any changes to the REFCACHE in a new commit.

WARNINGS in build log?

If this check fails, review the build log for any other potential issues. Ask maintainers for help, if you are unsure how to recover.