Semantic conventions for feature flags in logs

Status: Development

This document defines semantic conventions for recording feature flag evaluations as a log record emitted through the Logger API. This is useful when a flag is evaluated outside of a transaction context such as when the application loads or on a timer.


Feature flags are commonly used in modern applications to decouple feature releases from deployments. Many feature flagging tools support the ability to update flag configurations in near real-time from a remote feature flag management service. They also commonly allow rulesets to be defined that return values based on contextual information. For example, a feature could be enabled only for a specific subset of users based on context (e.g. users email domain, membership tier, country).

Since feature flags are dynamic and affect runtime behavior, it’s important to collect relevant feature flag telemetry signals. This can be used to determine the impact a feature has on a request, enabling enhanced observability use cases, such as A/B testing or progressive feature releases.

Recording an Evaluation

Feature flag evaluations SHOULD be recorded as attributes on the LogRecord passed to the Logger emit operations. Evaluations MAY be recorded on “logs” or “events” depending on the context.

Evaluation event

The table below indicates which attributes should be added to the LogRecord and their types.

Status: Development

The event name MUST be feature_flag.evaluation.

Defines feature flag evaluation as an event.

A feature_flag.evaluation event SHOULD be emitted whenever a feature flag value is evaluated, which may happen many times over the course of an application lifecycle. For example, a website A/B testing different animations may evaluate a flag each time a button is clicked. A feature_flag.evaluation event is emitted on each evaluation even if the result is the same.

AttributeTypeDescriptionExamplesRequirement LevelStability
feature_flag.keystringThe lookup key of the feature flag.logo-colorRequiredDevelopment
error.typestringDescribes a class of error the operation ended with. [1]provider_not_ready; targeting_key_missing; provider_fatal; generalConditionally Required [2]Stable
feature_flag.variantstringA semantic identifier for an evaluated flag value. [3]red; true; onConditionally Required [4]Development
feature_flag.context.idstringThe unique identifier for the flag evaluation context. For example, the targeting key.5157782b-2203-4c80-a857-dbbd5e7761dbRecommendedDevelopment
feature_flag.evaluation.error.messagestringA message explaining the nature of an error occurring during flag evaluation.Flag header-colorexpected typestringbut found typenumber``Recommended [5]Development
feature_flag.evaluation.reasonstringThe reason code which shows how a feature flag value was determined.static; targeting_match; error; defaultRecommendedDevelopment
feature_flag.provider_namestringIdentifies the feature flag provider.Flag ManagerRecommendedDevelopment
feature_flag.set.idstringThe identifier of the flag set to which the feature flag belongs.proj-1; ab98sgs; service1/devRecommendedDevelopment
feature_flag.versionstringThe version of the ruleset used during the evaluation. This may be any stable value which uniquely identifies the ruleset.1; 01ABCDEFRecommendedDevelopment

[1] error.type: If one of these values applies, then it MUST be used; otherwise, a custom value MAY be used.

flag_not_foundThe flag could not be found.Development
invalid_contextThe evaluation context does not meet provider requirements.Development
parse_errorAn error was encountered parsing data, such as a flag configuration.Development
provider_fatalThe provider has entered an irrecoverable error state.Development
provider_not_readyThe value was resolved before the provider was initialized.Development
targeting_key_missingThe provider requires a targeting key and one was not provided in the evaluation context.Development
type_mismatchThe type of the flag value does not match the expected type.Development
generalThe error was for a reason not enumerated above.Development

[2] error.type: If and only if an error occurred during flag evaluation.

[3] feature_flag.variant: A semantic identifier, commonly referred to as a variant, provides a means for referring to a value without including the value itself. This can provide additional context for understanding the meaning behind a value. For example, the variant red maybe be used for the value #c05543.

[4] feature_flag.variant: If feature flag provider supplies a variant or equivalent concept.

[5] feature_flag.evaluation.error.message: If and only if an error occurred. It’s NOT RECOMMENDED to duplicate the value of error.type in feature_flag.evaluation.error.message.

error.type has the following list of well-known values. If one of them applies, then the respective value MUST be used; otherwise, a custom value MAY be used.

_OTHERA fallback error value to be used when the instrumentation doesn’t define a custom value.Stable

feature_flag.evaluation.reason has the following list of well-known values. If one of them applies, then the respective value MUST be used; otherwise, a custom value MAY be used.

cachedThe resolved value was retrieved from cache.Development
defaultThe resolved value fell back to a pre-configured value (no dynamic evaluation occurred or dynamic evaluation yielded no result).Development
disabledThe resolved value was the result of the flag being disabled in the management system.Development
errorThe resolved value was the result of an error.Development
splitThe resolved value was the result of pseudorandom assignment.Development
staleThe resolved value is non-authoritative or possibly out of dateDevelopment
staticThe resolved value is static (no dynamic evaluation).Development
targeting_matchThe resolved value was the result of a dynamic evaluation, such as a rule or specific user-targeting.Development
unknownThe reason for the resolved value could not be determined.Development

Body fields:

Body FieldTypeDescriptionExamplesRequirement LevelStability
valueundefinedThe evaluated value of the feature flag.#ff0000; 1; trueConditionally Required [1]Development

[1] value: If and only if feature flag provider does not supply variant or equivalent concept. Otherwise, value should be treated as opt-in.