
Artifact Attributes

This group describes attributes specific to artifacts. Artifacts are files or other immutable objects that are intended for distribution. This definition aligns directly with the SLSA package model.

artifact.attestation.filenamestringThe provenance filename of the built attestation which directly relates to the build artifact filename. This filename SHOULD accompany the artifact at publish time. See the SLSA Relationship specification for more information.golang-binary-amd64-v0.1.0.attestation; docker-image-amd64-v0.1.0.intoto.json1; release-1.tar.gz.attestation; file-name-package.tar.gz.intoto.json1Development
artifact.attestation.hashstringThe full hash value (see glossary), of the built attestation. Some envelopes in the software attestation space also refer to this as the digest.1b31dfcd5b7f9267bf2ff47651df1cfb9147b9e4df1f335accf65b4cda498408Development
artifact.attestation.idstringThe id of the build software attestation.123Development
artifact.filenamestringThe human readable file name of the artifact, typically generated during build and release processes. Often includes the package name and version in the file name. [1]golang-binary-amd64-v0.1.0; docker-image-amd64-v0.1.0; release-1.tar.gz; file-name-package.tar.gzDevelopment
artifact.hashstringThe full hash value (see glossary), often found in checksum.txt on a release of the artifact and used to verify package integrity. [2]9ff4c52759e2c4ac70b7d517bc7fcdc1cda631ca0045271ddd1b192544f8a3e9Development
artifact.purlstringThe Package URL of the package artifact provides a standard way to identify and locate the packaged artifact.pkg:github/package-url/purl-spec@1209109710924; pkg:npm/foo@12.12.3Development
artifact.versionstringThe version of the artifact.v0.1.0; 1.2.1; 122691-buildDevelopment

[1] artifact.filename: This file name can also act as the Package Name in cases where the package ecosystem maps accordingly. Additionally, the artifact can be published for others, but that is not a guarantee.

[2] artifact.hash: The specific algorithm used to create the cryptographic hash value is not defined. In situations where an artifact has multiple cryptographic hashes, it is up to the implementer to choose which hash value to set here; this should be the most secure hash algorithm that is suitable for the situation and consistent with the corresponding attestation. The implementer can then provide the other hash values through an additional set of attribute extensions as they deem necessary.